2011年3月21日 星期一





For new born baby Justin

上週六是僅一面之緣的Gabrielle一歲生日會,我就也做了一張。照片是用Polaroid Pogo列印的,有鑑於Pogo印出的照片都會偏暗,所以我都會先用Picasa先編輯後才付印( Picasa真是Pogo的好朋友,簡單的編輯和分割都簡單幾個Click就可以完成。)
For Gaby's 1st birthday




2011年3月17日 星期四

Suits Myself

在迷上沒事閒逛Paper Market之後三個月,終於在天時地利人和的情況下報名了他們的手作課程,不過我直接跳過了初學者的課程,報名了「Suit Me」。課程內容是用Suitcase來作底,教你如何靠拼貼來妝點它。


Photo 3月 18, 12 22 39 上午


Photo 3月 18, 12 22 26 上午


Photo 3月 18, 2 14 24 上午



2011年3月15日 星期二

Start Point

Employment opportunities or internship with Heaven's Gift

Nevertheless, I am willing to explore new or old blood who possesses the following qualities :

  1. If you are willing to humble yourself and serve, imagine being a butler for the bride, helping her to wear her shoes, fetching things around for her or her family, and not perceive these tasks as lowly duties, then it is the first step to become a planner assistant.
  2. To be able to work as a team. No one acts like a boss in our team. Everyone learns to support and help one another. It is through that, you get to learn even more and be an efficient planner assistant
  3. Commitment, commitment and commitment. Contrary to what many think - wedding planning is so fun, it is actually a very tedious and strenuous job. We may start work late, but we work even later. Before the event begins, we are there, when all guests leave, we are still working.. Our working time stretches more than one can imagine. Clients' rest days is our work days, Client's work days is also our work days.
  4. A passion for design. In fact, I am looking for more than a flair, I am looking for talents in design and creations.. I may not be physically handling all the designing, but I do know how to train one to be good in this area. We are looking for ability and availability.
  5. Finally and most importantly, I do look for reliable and faithful team mates. The industry is too small, and too competitive. We are not looking for players who seek to take a short cut , and try to be the next competitor. We rather train someone who believes in the organization, has the heart to learn and contribute to the team, than for someone who watches and tries to duplicate. On a hind note, we know most of the planners in the industry, some have become good partners, whom we refer to clients as well when our hands are full. I always believe each planner is unique and draws a certain group of clientele.. but as any planner, I am certain no one embraces a "stealer".

This is what I want to try, and from now on, I will try harder.

Posted via email from Queenie's posterous